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Identiy for creators in the Spotify ecosystem - Building the future of having one account across the entire Spotify universe

2020 - 2021
Product Designer Lead
Led the design for Building the future of having one account across the entire Spotify universe


Hack week problem statement: Customers have to manage their user and team settings in multiple places.

As you can see, there is a lot of fragmentation right now. Each product offers different identity management options, security requirements and so on. And this problem tends to be accentuated with new products, integrations and acquisitions.

Prototype that was used to illustrate the value but focused on doing everything with a lot of style that exists outside of Spotify. Created a bedrock of sudo wireframes/concept. Code name: Holy Grail

Starting out

Because we’re a platform team targeting enterprise use cases, user accounts, authentication and authorization are important concepts that should be paired with security and identity management. What should a centralized account experience look like?


A stand alone application with the vision of: Consolidating Music offerings in a single destination to decouple shared capabilities and enable creators and enterprise users to thrive.


Alpha launch

Working with the team focus on where to probe and what we were looking to take away from each screen. Storyboarding split into swimlanes to not bottleneck on hi fi designs. Get into some of the findings from our foundational research after going over what we launched with so there is context around what changed

Success metrics: 34% reduction in customer requests to CrS. $1.7m cost saving by minimizing CrS input

Moving forward

Global search: Being able to search across all content types from anywhere in the chrome empowers users to find what they need faster.

Notification center: Central hub for all actions that can happen across the products that the users account is connected to.

Areas of ownership: Highlighting areas of ownership within the chrome.